(the educators - digital reputation video)
(the playing and staying safe online youtube video)
(the Faux Paw video)
(cyber-bullying article)
(video about girl committing suicide after her sext/text went viral)
- I feel the most important thing I learned from these readings is that media is playing a huge role in kids' lives, but they don't realize the effects that it can have on their reputation and safety. What may seem to adults to be common sense doesn't occur to the younger generation.
- As a future parent and teacher, what I read has encouraged me to teach kids about internet safety explicitly and not assume they know what is safe. Also, I plan on actively monitoring their activities, because although they think they deserve privacy (as did I at that age), nothing is private on the internet. They need to know that.
- To be a positive influence on friends and family, I can share what I learn about internet safety. I can blog about good resources and articles and if I see a child acting irresponsibly, I can inform their parents.
- I don't feel I fully realized what cyber-bullying was, other than being mean online and that it would reach a wider audience. But cyber-bullying can also affect future employment and future relationships. Also, adolescents may not be as capable at disregarding bullying in any form and become depressed, antisocial, or suicidal. In order to prevent cyber-bullying I can teach kids' how to interact with each other respectfully and foster a unified classroom where everyone feels welcome.
- To find sources to teach internet safety, I can search our class Diigo group. I also found the videos posted on helpful. They had links to good you-tube videos for teens to watch.
- Some internet safety issues I may encounter as a teacher include cyber-bullying, sexting, sharing of personal information on the internet, students meeting people they met online, pornography, etc. I plan to make sure their are filters on computers, that students are only using websites related to our class when in class, and teaching about cyberbullying and internet safety when introducing our class website to them. Also, as a biology teacher, I would like to work towards including a pornography addiction lesson in the sex education unit, because it has been classified as an addiction by the APA.
- I can leverage the power of the internet for students safe benefit by including filters and teaching internet safety.
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